Creating a new portal
On this page we will go through the process of creating a new portal.
Copy starter site
Directly beneath the root of the document tree is a folder called global-content-site. This folder contains an entire "starter" portal that is to be used as a starting point for a new portal.
To use this starter portal, right click on the portal-overview link inside the global-content-site folder and choose Copy.
This will copy the entire portal to your pimcore clipboard.
Now that you have the starter portal copied, right click on the root of the document tree (Home), hover over Paste (inheritance) and click Paste as child (recursive). This will create a copy of the starter portal for you to begin making edits.
After the copying is done you should see your new portal listed under the root of the document tree.
Edit newly copied starter portal
All of the content in your copied portal is inherited from the global-content-site folder.
You can override any of this inherited content within your portal.
Any updates made to the global-content-site folder will be reflected across all portals that were originally copied from this folder. This is true unless a piece of content within the portal has been overridden.
Inherited content will have a gray background and won't allow you to edit it. To overwrite the inherited content, right click and select Overwrite. This will disconnect the content from the global-content-site content and allow you to make edits.