Therapeutic Area Documentation

On this page we will go through the process of creating and editing therapeutic area pages.

Creating a new therapeutic area (TA)

The TA pages live under the root document in Pimcore admin.

When adding a new TA page, you will create a child document beneath the root "Therapeutic Areas" document.



To make the process of building TA pages easier, a template document was created to use as a starting point.

Inside the therapeutic-area-starter-page folder is a document named therapeutic-area. This document contains starter content and is a good way to begin creating a new TA page.

To use this template as a starter, right click on the therapeutic-area document and select copy.



With the starter document copied to your clipboard, right click on the Therapeutic Areas parent document.

Hover over Paste, and select Paste as child.

This will create a copy of the starter document and place it as a child of the Therapeutic Areas document.

You are now ready to edit the new TA page.

Editing a therapeutic area page

To edit an existing TA page, expand the Therapeutic Areas parent document, and click on a TA child document. This will open the document in the editor window.



After edits have been made, clicking Save & Publish will make the changes live.