Scientific Focus

The Global Public Health Awards support the development of independent investigators from low and middle-income countries with an interest in supporting country driven research priorities to meet sustainable development goals for people infected with or at risk for viral Hepatitis (B,C,D) and/or HIV.

Research proposals should be exclusively focused on implementation science or clinical epidemiology and be centered around strengthening the cascade for surveillance, screening, linkage to care/treatment, and prevention. Applicants need not focus on all aspects of the care cascade but can focus on any one or more of the aspects or helping populations enter and/or navigate the care cascade.

Areas of research may include, but are not limited to:

Areas of research

  • Advancing health equity/addressing societal barriers to care
  • Community-led models (e.g., community ART refill groups, KP-led models, peer health models)
  • Person-centered models of care 
  • Digital health initiatives including the use of AI, Machine learning to improve outcomes
  • Self-care including self-testing, self-collection/swabbing, etc.
  • Strategies to improve treatment outcomes
  • Barriers/facilitators to novel therapies (e.g., LA ART, LA PrEP)
  • Modelling (cost effectiveness/infectious disease dynamics)
  • Surveillance (e.g., burden of infection, drug resistance, causes/predictors of mortality and/or advanced HIV diseases
  • Stigma and discrimination as barriers to care
  • Addressing the challenges associated with an aging HIV population

Research proposals can focus on more than one of the above topics, however, should be limited to populations living with or vulnerable to HIV and/or viral hepatitis (B,C,D).

We encourage proposals that seek to work with the following:

  • People who engage in transactional sex
  • People who inject drugs
  • People who are incarcerated
  • Transgender people
  • Men who have sex with men
  • Children and adolescents  (<18 years)
  • Women
  • Migrant groups


Gilead Affiliated Products

Proposals utilizing Gilead product(s) are not eligible for funding through the Research Scholars Program. Proposals involving Gilead product(s) should be submitted for review under the Investigator-Sponsored Research Grant Program through the ISR online portal.
Funding Ineligibility

Awards granted under the program may not be duplicative of funding from institutional or hospital, other governmental, non-governmental, or industry sources. Applicants seeking an award for research projects that are currently receiving or may receive partial funding from other sources are required to submit appropriate evidence, including budget information related to the other sources, to demonstrate that there is no direct overlap in funding.

Gilead Internal Validation

The Research Scholars Program is intended to support independent research by emerging investigators that is unrelated to Gilead’s strategies or priorities. However, all research projects selected by the Scientific Review Committee will need to be approved by an internal validation committee that, in rare circumstances, may be unable to support certain clinical interventional studies (e.g., studies focused solely on the safety and/or efficacy of non-Gilead products).

Proposal Review

Proposals are reviewed by an independent Scientific Review Committee, (no Commercial involvement in review or selection, i.e., Marketing, Sales, and Commercial Strategy), and are reviewed based upon the criteria outlined on this website.

View Application Essentials to discover specific application details.

Top FAQs

The award is an industry sponsored award funded by Gilead Sciences, Inc. which is a for profit entity, not the Gilead Foundation. While the award is funded by Gilead Sciences, Inc., the review of the applications and selection of awardees is carried out by an independent scientific review committee. Gilead is not part of the scientific review committee and has no involvement in selecting the applications that receive the awards.

The approximate protected time refers to time spent on research in general. This time does not need to be spent only on research related to your RSP proposal.

The approximate protected time refers to time spent on research in general. This time does not need to be spent only on research related to your RSP proposal.

Application Deadline

11:59 PM CEST

22 Oct 2024

Grant Amount

4 Awards
