
Who can Apply

This award is intended for junior faculty who meet the criteria for Early Stage Investigator, as defined by the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Note, those who have received substantial NIH research awards, such as being a PI on an R01, P01, or U01, are not Early Stage Investigators, according to NIH criteria. A list of NIH grants that a PI can hold and still be considered an Early Stage Investigator can be found here.

Please be aware that some entities have their own restrictions against acceptance of the RSP Award, for example the NIH Loan Repayment Program. Please check before preparing your application.

In addition, applicants must meet the following requirements:

Hold an MD, DO, PhD, or equivalent degree at time of award

Received your initial faculty appointment within the last 5 years at the time of application

Have a strong career interest in HIV

Have a research mentor with extensive experience in their field (co-mentorship is accepted)

Be able to devote approximately 50% of professional time to research (versus administrative, patient care, or teaching responsibilities)

Be able to complete the proposed research within the 2-year award period, providing evidence (manuscript, presentation, or abstracts) for future research projects.


Exceptions to the above can apply, for example, having taken time out for parental leave or family bereavement.

Potential Ineligibility

Duplicative Funding

Awards granted under the program may not be duplicative of funding from institutional or hospital, other governmental, non-governmental, or industry sources. Applicants seeking an award for research projects that are currently receiving or may receive partial funding from other sources are required to submit appropriate evidence, including budget information related to the other sources, to demonstrate that there is no direct overlap in funding.

Other Funder Restrictions

Please be aware that some entities have their own restrictions against acceptance of the RSP Award , for example, the NIH Loan Repayment Program. Please check before preparing your application.


An applicant must be a citizen or permanent resident of the United States or subject to the qualifications noted below hold a temporary non-immigrant visa/work permit. This visa must be valid and must allow the applicant to undertake the research over the 2-year award period from the United States. This non-immigrant visa/work permit must be valid for the 2-year award period or applicant must be able to establish that he or she is eligible for an extension, renewal or other status that will enable the applicant to perform the research in the applicable jurisdiction for the entirety of the 2-year award period.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet urna curabitur faucibus cursus habitasse nisi ut convallis malesuada orci. Sollicitudin porttitor congue fermentum lacinia elit molestie mauris bibendum. Porttitor est erat convallis arcu nulla porta volutpat. Tellus sapien congue maecenas tempus imperdiet fermentum lobortis phasellus eros quisque maecenas erat dictum do. Dolore euismod porttitor convallis neque consequat massa mi mattis proin vivamus tempus volutpat dolore. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet urna curabitur faucibus cursus habitasse nisi ut convallis malesuada orci. Sollicitudin porttitor congue fermentum lacinia elit molestie mauris bibendum. Porttitor est erat convallis arcu nulla porta volutpat. Tellus sapien congue maecenas tempus imperdiet fermentum lobortis phasellus eros quisque maecenas erat dictum do. Dolore euismod porttitor convallis neque consequat massa mi mattis proin vivamus tempus volutpat dolore.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet urna curabitur faucibus cursus habitasse nisi ut convallis malesuada orci. Sollicitudin porttitor congue fermentum lacinia elit molestie mauris bibendum. Porttitor est erat convallis arcu nulla porta volutpat. Tellus sapien congue maecenas tempus imperdiet fermentum lobortis phasellus eros quisque maecenas erat dictum do. Dolore euismod porttitor convallis neque consequat massa mi mattis proin vivamus tempus volutpat dolore.

Application Closed

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Grant Amount

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