Scientific Focus

The program is designed to support basic and clinical research in the field of HIV, in North America and globally. Areas of research may include, but are not limited to:

Areas of research

  • Any basic, clinical, behavioral, epidemiological, implementation science and community-based participatory research
  • Health inequities faced by certain population groups
  • Management of complications, comorbidities and/or co-infections e.g. Hiv Portal and aging
  • HIV Prevention
  • Digital Models and Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Health economics outcomes research


Gilead Affiliated Products

Proposals utilizing Gilead product(s) are not eligible for funding through the Research Scholars Program. Proposals involving Gilead product(s) should be submitted for review under the Investigator-Sponsored Research Grant Program through the ISR online portal.
Funding Ineligibility

Awards granted under the program may not be duplicative of funding from institutional or hospital, other governmental, non-governmental, or industry sources. Applicants seeking an award for research projects that are currently receiving or may receive partial funding from other sources are required to submit appropriate evidence, including budget information related to the other sources, to demonstrate that there is no direct overlap in funding.

Gilead Internal Validation

The Research Scholars Program is intended to support independent research by emerging investigators that is unrelated to Gilead’s strategies or priorities. However, all research projects selected by the Scientific Review Committee will need to be approved by an internal validation committee that, in rare circumstances, may be unable to support certain clinical interventional studies (e.g., studies focused solely on the safety and/or efficacy of non-Gilead products).

Proposal Review

Proposals are reviewed by an independent Scientific Review Committee, (no Commercial involvement in review or selection, i.e., Marketing, Sales, and Commercial Strategy), and are reviewed based upon the criteria outlined on this website.

View Application Essentials to discover specific application details.

Top FAQs

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Grant Amount

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